London Bus Window

Zero Hour Bus Tours, InTransit Festival, London, 2011


A journey through a ruined landscape. A journey through rubble and debris and things in dark corners best not thought about.

Four Forest Fringe artists have created a series of interlinked audio pieces for the N11 Night bus as part of Kensington & Chelsea's InTransit Festival. Passengers are invited to don headphones for a 30-minute audio accompaniment to their journey.

The four artists have each created their own audio journey for this route (two for the eastbound journey, and two westbound).

Featuring: award-winning comedian Kim Noble; the co-creator of ‘Home Sweet Home’, Abigail Conway; the writer and artist Hannah Nicklin with Steve Kilpatrick; and Greg McLaren, the co-creator of Stoke Newington International Airport.

Image credit: Peter Clarkson on Unsplash


26/07/2011 – 29/07/2011

Associated Artists


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