Latest Past Events

Amateurs Club September – Screenwriting, with Stacey Gregg

Somerset House Studios River Rooms, Somerset House Studios, New Wing, London

The Amateurs Club is a free DIY film school, hosted by Somerset House Studios and Forest Fringe, featuring each month a different professional from the world of film. For September […]

Amateurs Club June – Documentary, with Krista Burāne

Somerset House Studios River Rooms, Somerset House Studios, New Wing, London

Krista Burāne is a Latvian artist and filmmaker who creates interdisciplinary projects that switch between various cultural areas – documentaries, theatre, photography and education. As a director, scriptwriter, editor, teacher […]

Amateurs Club May – Editing, with Immanuel von Bennigsen

Somerset House Studios River Rooms, Somerset House Studios, New Wing, London

Immanuel has been working as an editor and assistant editor since 2006, gaining intimate knowledge of the filmmaking process from world-renowned directors such as Michael Winterbottom, Joanna Hogg and Lone […]


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