Brizzle and Glazzgo

So it’s over.
After a frantic, breathless, deliriously exhilarating few weeks we are back home from our Microfestival adventure. It’s been an incredible experience. We’ve worked with 60 different artists or companies in 4 cities, with a total audience of over 500 people. We’ve had installations, one-on-one encounters, rock freakouts, secret games, haunting imaginary cinemas, an attempt at mapping the world in stories, Sir Walter Raleigh, a cabinet of ideas, a library of sounds, a human bird table, a man covered in salt, romance, music, heartbreak, tears, wonder, and in addition to all of that we’ve just a grand old time of it.
Thank you to all the artists and the venues and the volunteers and everyone who has helped make this such a fascinating and brilliant success.
We’ll be bringing all that’s happened together before Edinburgh so people can have a look at what we did but for now here’s some links and photographs from Bristol and Glasgow to give you an idea of what went on. If any of you got a chance to come along to any of the four events please do feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments – we’d love to hear them.

In Bristol we took over the Old Vic for the opening weekend of Mayfest. You can read a lovely review of the event here:

An evening that really had to be seen to be appreciated, the Forest Fringe was like tumbling down the rabbit hole – initially totally confusing, but once I left my reservations behind, and just gave into the madness. It was a novel, unique and memorable evening. If ever the Fringe crew are back in town, I suggest you leave any expectations of normality at the door and get involved.

Or check out Hannah Nicklin’s brilliant Microsite which she was updating throughout the weekend, as a means for people to keep track of everything going on.

There’s also a beautiful collection of images by Finlay Robertson here, some of which are posted below.

Action Hero

Peter McMaster

Search Party

Little Bulb


In Glasgow we had the whole run of the incredible maze of spaces that make up The Arches. You can read Mary Brennan’s truly wonderful review in the Herald here:
What was it like?
Like being a kid, let loose in a sweet shop full of tantalising choices… Much better than sweets. You can gorge on Forest Fringe and never get sick, or tired of the flavours.
We also have another lovely collection of photographs, this time by James Baster, here.
Abigail Conway

The Love Calculator

Jenna Watt & Rachel Moffat

Third Angel


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